The INTENT series began before the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic, armed conflicts, and global unrest, spanning the years 2020 to 2023. This album presents subjective highlights from the series, along with standout selections from a related series curated by Fabian van den Eijnden and Linn R. Friberg under the production alias Athareal.
You can also download individual compilation volumes from the authorized labels that have released the series over the years: Mahorka, Attenuation Circuit, Internet Daemon, uni.Sol_, and Camembert Electrique. We extend our gratitude to these labels for their support of the series throughout the years.
This music is permanently stored on the Arweave network and archived on the Internet Archive, ensuring long-term accessibility. On the Internet Archive, releases are licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA, allowing you to freely share and build upon the content as long as you credit the artists, use it non-commercially, and distribute any derivative work under the same terms. On Arweave, the Universal Data License applies, permitting non-commercial use with attribution. Since each file on Arweave exists as an individual transaction, artists can define their own terms for how their music is used.
If you appreciate the series, we encourage you to support the artists who make it possible. Explore the Outreach map to connect with them directly - whether by purchasing their music, sharing their work, donating to a cause, or engaging in ways that align with their values. Every act of support helps sustain their creative journeys.